Tag: bruxism

November 27, 2020 0

The Reason Behind Your Clenching Jaw At Night

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Have you ever woken up with a tight and sore jaw? Have you ever had your sleep disrupted because of loud teeth and jaw clenching? Your clenching jaw at night can be one of the symptoms of bruxism or teeth grinding. And chances are, you might not know it right away.
Occasional teeth grinding or clenching jaw at night is typically common due to stress and anxiety and does not pose any harm. But when done frequently, it can cause damage to the teeth and can be related to other health issues like sleep apnea, which you can also read in the blogs of Melbourne Dental Sleep clinic.
This article will tell you the common cause of teeth grinding (medically called Bruxism), how it is related to sleep apnea, and the ways to prevent your jaw from clenching or teeth grinding.

July 16, 2019 0

Mouthguard For Bruxism

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Bruxism is a condition caused by grinding or clenching your teeth, which can lead to sore jaw, headaches, earaches, and even tooth damage. Usually, it happens during sleep. But Dr Thi, dentist in Sunbury, relates bruxism to stress as it can also happen during stressful situations, and most people are unaware that they are clenching their teeth too hard until they start experiencing some of the symptoms.

July 5, 2019 0

Dental Night Guard Side Effects

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You may not know when you’re developing bruxism especially when it happens at night. Researchers concluded that participants with high sleep bruxing activity tend to feel more stressed at work and in their daily life. Dr Linda, a dentist in Cabramatta, talks about bruxism and stress and accordingly, it’s one of the unique conditions that can affect both the teeth of young and the old. Bruxism is characterized by grinding of teeth or clenching them which may cause high level of discomfort. Whether you experience bruxism at night or during the day, the effect can be the same. Your dentist can diagnose sleep bruxism and fit you with a mouth guard to protect your teeth while you sleep. However, there are a few dental night guard side effects that you need to look out for so read on as we discussed them here.

November 5, 2018 0

Teeth grinding in children

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Teeth grinding in children is a nightmare for every parent. The medical term for this habit is bruxism. Approximately 3 out of every 10 children grind their teeth, in sleep or awake. It usually happens when the child is under stress or in pain. Another reason for this habit is that the top and bottom teeth are not properly oriented. It is better to book an appointment with your family dentist if your child suffers from bruxism.